Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 5, 2019

A Finished Flimsy on the Horizon

Well, I loves me a good day of sewing, don't you? Yesterday I got started on the next barn for the Appalachian Memories quilt. I like these quilt blocks. This one is called "Hole in the Barn Door."

It was also my "pop of color" for the Photo-A-Day prompt. There was an error on the printed page I used to trace this design. It appeared the quilt block had been added as an after thought because there were lines for the board siding within the quilt block. Of course, I avoided tracing those onto the fabric, but I kind of wondered what went wrong there. Anyway...all's well now, and the quilt block is on the barn. Lots more stitching to do before this one will be finished.

There was a little more time spent on slow-stitching yesterday since I was trying to postpone grocery shopping as long as I possibly could. I had to run a couple of other errands while I was at it, but I was home before noon. That gave me the whole afternoon for sewing.

First I had to make these pieces:

And then these:

And then I had all the parts sewn together.

And so I started to make my way across the first row of blocks.

And those two looked pretty good together, so I just continued on my merry way, sewing the first row of blocks together.

Then the second...

Then the Third...

And by then, it was time to stop for the day. Of course my snoopervisor was close at hand, barking orders. Oh, wait. Did I just say "barking"? How insulting.

So each row takes about half an hour to sew together, and there are two rows left. By my calculations, I should have this finished in about an hour's time this morning. There's a little housework to do, but I'll probably have some time for more of my monthly quilt blocks this afternoon. Also, I'm finally going to bake the bread Sue brought me from her trip south. I've had it on the counter for weeks to remind me, but you know bread. It requires a little supervision, and time has been in short supply the past couple of weeks. It's raining cats and dogs outside, and so baking bread seems like a good thing to do on a wet day. But first...slow stitching.

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