Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019

Rabbits and Rainbows

My goal for yesterday's sewing was to get through at least one of my Rainbow Scrap projects for March's greens. First, I went to work on the two Charm Stars blocks. These are rather labor intensive and each block takes over an hour to make. When I was nearly to the end of my sewing day I had them finished. This one:

And this one:

With those finished, I laid all the blocks out. Here's what I have so far.

There was about an hour left before I needed to start dinner, and so I did the cutting for the Paintbox Pizzazz quilt. When I stopped for the day, I had these pieces ready for sewing. Um...excuse me...purrdon me...

There we go.

From there, I made dinner. Mike and I are both busy during the day, and so we usually veg out in front of the tube after dinner. Last night, Mike wanted to take one of our cars out for a drive. He put new bulbs in the headlights, and he wanted to adjust them. And that was fine with me. I just went to work sewing the blocks together. I didn't get them all finished, but I was close. This morning, just before sitting down here, I had them finished.

Here are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far. Um...excuse me...purrdon me. (Always with the photobombers. It's like a bad rash.)

Okay, so here we go.

And, let me tell you, I'm feeling pretty smug about having both the Rainbow quilts finished so early in the month of March.

Yesterday morning I stitched enough of the Bunny Garden to move the hoop to the right. This is turning out so cute. I just love Lynette Anderson's designs.

It was important to move to the right so I could finish stitching the bunny's tail. Is that cute, or what?
It's all filled in with French knots. I had it about half finished when I realized I was supposed to have used an off-white floss there. It was tempting to take it out, but I didn't. I just went along my merry way and filled it in with the same color. You won't tell, will you?

So I'll start to the right of the bunny this morning, and then I'll get on with the next Project Quilting challenge: Abecedarius. If that's a new word for you then don't feel bad. I never heard of it either. Here's what Kim Lapacek says about it:

The word “abecedarius” means “an alphabet primer.” Literally, the word itself is made up of a+b+c+d! It can refer to a form of poetry where the first letter of each line or verse is the next letter of the alphabet, or it can be a book where each letter is defined (A is for … B is for …).

Since I'd never even heard it spoken aloud before, I Googled "pronounce abecedarius." Interestingly, the beginning of the word is actually pronounced like the first three letters of the alphabet. In other words, just say A-B-C and then add "darius" onto the end, and you've got it. Weird, huh? So anyway...I know what I'm going to do. It can probably be finished in one day with another day for binding. For sure, it can be finished in two days. I'll just keep you in suspense until the big reveal when I'm ready to link up.

Aside from that, it's the same old same old. It's still very cold outside, but we have sunshine in the forecast for most of the next two weeks. I'm staying in and staying warm.

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