Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2019

OMG: A Finished Flimsy

We're barely into the new year, and I can say I have the first finished quilt top under my belt. With the not insignificant help of my furry furriend, the borders were sewn on yesterday, and It's Raining Cats and Dogs has taken its place on the quilts-to-be-sandwiched pile.

Smitty was at the ready to help. He was a little worried about all the woofies on the quilt, but gave his purrmission for me to continue.

The outer border fabric was much to his liking, and he helped me hold the fabric down while I cut the strips.

Oh, were you wanting me to move? I'm quite comfurtable just sitting here. 

Convincing him that he was, um, weighing down the process, I was able to move along to sewing the outer border. Here are my two borders.

No fabric was purchased for this quilt. It was made entirely from scraps and yardage in my stash. I had two fabrics to choose from for the inner border. The one I chose was on the recommendation of the Resident Engineer. When it was all finished, I laid it out on the floor for its picture. there a catnip dispensary on this quilt?

Thanks! Don't mind if I do!

There was enough yardage of this gray polka dot to use for the back, and so I cut and sewed the one long seam I needed to finish that off. I'll use the same aqua-green for the binding, and those strips have been cut. It's a good feeling making a whole large quilt without purchasing any fabric at all. It finishes up at 55 x 62 inches.

While I was making the back, Smitty tested out the newly plumped quilts-to-be-quilted pile. He's like the Prince and the Pea, and he found this pile much to his liking.

Keeping with my new year determination to get back to walking, Mike and I got out between raindrops yesterday. We passed by this conifer. It had these tiny clusters of pine cones. Each cone was about the size of the head of a pin.

We walked to the same spot Matthew and I walked a few days ago. It's always a different landscape from that vantage point.

I moved a little to the left so that I could see around the tree. From there, it looked like this.

Nothing much is blooming this time of the year, but these little paper-thin weeds reminded me of Japanese lanterns. They flashed in the blowing breeze.

Also this tree swing.

And these horses grazing among the trees at a Christmas tree farm.

This fruit was demonstrating the maxim that the apple never falls very far from the tree.

I'm working away at my cross-stitch piece. It's really not cross-stitch, although it's worked on cross-stitch canvas and it contains some cross-stitch. Mainly, it's backstitch. That's not a complaint...just an observation.

A severe weather alert came across my phone yesterday.

The wind did pick up about the time we went to bed, but it didn't keep us awake, and we didn't lose power. I'm aware of some downed trees and others of our neighbors in the valley did lose power. We got lucky this time around.

Today I'll be working on my reds in various shapes. I'm participating in the Tiny Tuesday blocks over at Soscrappy, and I'll get a start on at least one of the two Rainbow Scrap projects I'm making this year. It could be a day that includes lots of blocks.

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